leadership communities nomination form

Nomination Process

Please seek God as you consider nominating someone to a leadership board at SRCC. To nominate someone to a board, please get their consent.  Once this is done, fill out this leadership board nomination form. The completed form should be turned into the church office. The office will provide an application to the nominee.  All nominations and subsequent applications will be reviewed and prayerfully considered by the Elder Board.    

The Elder Board will contact the individuals that are nominated to affirm their call and answer any questions that they may have about the position. Four weeks before the Annual Business Meeting, the church office will provide the SRCC Body with the names of those members who will be on the ballot for leadership board positions. The nominee(s), with a simple majority vote, will then be elected to a two or three-year term depending on the position.

Nominations must be received in the church office by: Sunday, August 27, 2023
Yearly Leadership Board Openings Include: Trustee, Management Board, and Missions Board

Thank you for taking time to engage in the process of leadership board nominations. As these board positions are vital to the successful functioning of SRCC, we ask that you prayerfully complete this form, evaluating each question honestly based on your knowledge of the person you are nominating. Please answer all questions. If clarifications or comments are needed to help explain your choices, please leave your answer in the following text area.

Leadership Considerations